1. Install the latest version with yarn:
yarn add tsd-extract
or with npm:
npm install tsd-extract
2. Import it in your code:
Quick Take
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { extract } from "tsd-extract";
const { value } = extract(
`interface Opts1 { foo: boolean };
interface Opts2 { bar: boolean };`,
assert.equal(value, "interface Opts2 { bar: boolean };");
Take a .d.ts TypeScript definitions file as string, extract any definition from it.
No parsing, no dependencies, it’s only ~4.5KB minified.
This program is also suitable for using in MDX where all dependencies are bundled. You would not bundle the whole TypeScript in your blog post strings, would you?
Theoretically, you can use TypeScript and its parser directly, traverse the AST and do the same what this program does, just slower and more cumbersome.
API — extract()
The main function extract()
is imported like this:
import { extract } from "tsd-extract";
It’s a function which takes two input arguments:
function extract (
str: string,
def: string,
opts?: Partial<Opts>
): ReturnType;
Input argument | Type | Obligatory | Description |
input Type: String Obligatory: yes | |||
input | String | yes | Type definitions source as string. |
def Type: String Obligatory: yes | |||
def | String | yes | Name of a definition to extract. Can be system keyword (export ) or a any variable’s name. |
opts Type: Plain object Obligatory: no | |||
opts | Plain object | no | Optional Options Object. |
The Optional Options Object has the following shape:
extractAll: boolean;
semi: boolean;
mustInclude: string;
stripAs: boolean;
contentSort?: (el1: string, el2: string) => number;
Key | Type | Default | Description |
extractAll Type: boolean Default: false | |||
extractAll | boolean | false | If enabled, the program will also extract an array of all unique definitions found. This is for GUI app. |
semi Type: boolean Default: true | |||
semi | boolean | true | If set to false , any semicolons will be omitted from extracted string values and not reported in string index locations. As if they didn’t exist in the source. |
mustInclude Type: string Default: "" (empty string) | |||
mustInclude | string | "" (empty string) | Force algorithm to look for an extra def to be present in the finding. Used when there are multiple findings and program otherwise returns the wrong-one. |
stripAs Type: boolean Default: false | |||
stripAs | boolean | false | If enabled, instead of export { x as y } from "z"; it will produce export { y } from "z"; |
contentSort Type: function Default: undefined | |||
contentSort | function | undefined | Optionally, to sort export contents, pass a custom compare function to Array.prototype.sort() used under the hood, see examples |
Here are all defaults in one place for copying:
"extractAll": false,
"semi": true,
"mustInclude": "",
"stripAs": false
This function will return a plain object of a shape:
identifiers: string[];
identifiersStartAt: number | null;
identifiersEndAt: number | null;
content: string | null;
contentStartsAt: number | null;
contentEndsAt: number | null;
value: string | null;
valueStartsAt: number | null;
valueEndsAt: number | null;
all: string[];
error: string | null;
You’ll see three terms used:
- “identifiers”
- “content”
- “value”
That’s any “word” which is located up to equal sign, or bracket of any kind:
// three indentifiers here:
declare function a<b>(c: d): e;
// ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^
// 1 2 3
// two identifiers here:
interface Opts {
// ^^^^ ^^^^
// 1 2
whitelist: string[];
backend: HeadsAndTailsObj[];
// one identifier here:
export { x } from "y";
// ^^^
// 1
The definition def
you pass will be matched against these extracted identifiers.
That’s everything after identifiers but excluding any generics and variables in brackets:
// three indentifiers here:
declare function a<b>(c: d): e;
// ^^^^^^^^^^
// all this^
// ^ semicolon will be excluded (if present) opts.semi === false
That’s the whole found statement, from the very first character to the very last-one (except the semicolon if opts.semi === false
API — join()
This function extracts and merges the contents of multiple interfaces:
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { join } from "tsd-extract";
let source1 = `type x = {
a: string;
} & {
b: number;
let source2 = ` = Statement & {
c: boolean;
} & {
d: null | string;
let source3 = ` = zz & {
e: number;
} & {
f: (g) => void;
let source4 = null;
let source5 = "";
join(source1, source2, source3, source4, source5),
a: string;
b: number;
c: boolean;
d: null | string;
e: number;
f: (g) => void;
The main function join()
is imported like this:
import { join } from "tsd-extract";
It’s a function which takes any amount of string input arguments:
function join (...args: string[]): string;
The function will return a string — all contents between curlies extracted, and each lines’s indentation set to two spaces.
API — defaults
You can import defaults
import { defaults } from "tsd-extract";
console.log(JSON.stringify(defaults, null, 4));
It's a plain object:
"extractAll": false,
"semi": true,
"mustInclude": "",
"stripAs": false
The main function calculates the options to be used by merging the options you passed with these defaults.
API — version
You can import version
import { version } from "tsd-extract";
// => "0.8.3"